Sunday, June 24, 2012


When I saw the first panography I wanted to try it out. It was sunny today and I decided to take photos of the Beehive to use for my first panography. Took about a hundred photos, and before getting into my car, checked the photos........oh no, all the photos had a blue colour. Changed the WB settings and started clicking again!

At home I downloaded the photos and changed the size of all to 800 pixels max. Then opened them all in Photoshop, created a new and large RGB canvas to work on and copied 10 photos at a time to the canvas.

Settings for the canvas: Called it Panography, custom size, 80 cm x 50 cm, 300 pixels/inch resolution. RGB colour, 8 bit and the background white

Then changed the opacity of each photo to 50%, rotated those to be rotated (edit, transform, rotate) and moved them into position, like a huge puzzle!!!

Will definitely do this again, love the effect!!

Photojojo tutorial.

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