Thursday, November 24, 2011

Tilt-shift effect

I want to use PhotoShop and create a tilt-shift photo. Found the tutorial, now just need to go out and find the right shot!!!!! Going to explore one of the bridges close to the waterfront this weekend - will hopefully get the right photo to apply this technique to

Actually also want to shoot another panorama, something different this time, with more buildings, or at least a building, in the photo

Yes, big plans this weekend!

Step-by-step instructions:
  1. Open image
  2. Enter Quick Mask Mode:
    Q on the keyboard or from the Tool Palette, choose Quick Mask Mode
  3. Choose Gradient Tool:
    Select the Gradient Tool icon or G on the keyboard (Choose the Reflected Gradient option)
  4. Draw a vertical line, start point will be the in-focus area and the end point will be where the transition from in-focus to out-of-focus is completed (draw line up!!!!!). The area of focus will appear as a red band across the image
  5. Return to standard mode:
    Q on keyboard or press icon in the Tool Palette (Edit in Standard mode)
    The top bit of the image will show as selected
  6. Open Lens Blur Interface:
    Filter - Blur - Lens Blur
  7. Review the effect and tweak settings:
    Will see the effect (focus effect)
    Top bit should be out of focus
  8. Exit Lend Blur Interface by clicking on OK
  9. Remove selection boundary:
    Press Command + D to remove the selection boundary
  10. Open Hue/Saturation Adjustment Interface:
    Boost the Saturation to improve the effect - a model scene is often brightly painted
    Image - Adjustments - Hue Saturation
    Boost Master Saturation to +40
  11. Open Curves Adjustment Interface:
    May help to increase the contrast of the image slightly, using the Curves adjustment
    Image - Adjustments - Curves
    Adjust Curves, do NOT overdo. Use a small S-shaped curve
  12. Finished!
  13. Save image

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